Day/Date: SATURDAY 18 JANUARY 2025
Location: online from each participant's location:
Question format: ONLINE test (60 minutes)
Questions language: in Indonesian / English
Question Form: Multiple Choice & short answer.
Competition time:
KUMA Level 10.00 - 11.00 WIB
PINGU A and B Levels 10.00 - 11.00 WIB
Technical Work:
- The test must be carried out using a laptop computer with a normally functioning camera and microphone. Make sure you are in a place with a fast and stable Internet connection. Any instability in the participant's internet network is beyond the control and responsibility of the committee.
- Participants take the test online from their respective locations (according to the schedule determined by the committee for the level category they are participating in). Don't enter the Participant number & Unique Code that the committee has given you incorrectly.
- Use the GMAIL email that has been registered with the Committee to access the competition. The competition link will be sent to the participant's EMAIL, please do not click before the specified competition date and time.
- Please check your email and make sure it is not in the SPAM/Junk folder. Accessing the competition with the same participant number on more than 1 device will automatically be DISQUALIFIED.
- Kuma Category participants are ALLOWED TO USE CALCULATORS (not cellphones/apps), please prepare them before the test takes place. Pingu Category participants do not need to use a calculator.
- The test must be done independently without the help of other people and it is prohibited to open other programs on a laptop or cellphone during the competition,using AI and including taking screenshots so as not to be disqualified by the system. It is prohibited to open pages other than the question page.
- Please do not cover the laptop camera lens during the test, and participants are expected to wear neat, polite clothing and not talk during the test. Please work in a quiet, quiet place.
- The online test lasts 60 minutes. The competition link can only be accessed at the time specified per Level/Category, don't be late in entering.
- Only 1 chance to enter the question and SUBMIT ANSWER, immediately submit the answer before the time ends and get additional points. Those who are late SUBMIT will automatically be disqualified.
- Note that there are 2 scroll bars when working, namely the scroll bar near the question, and the scroll bar on the far right of the browser. Make the best use of both.This is to adjust the appearance in various browsers.
Good luck and don't forget to pray before the competition.
The following are several types of violations during the competition which can result in disqualification
(TRUST SCORE < 95%, automatically FALLS):
1. Not focusing on the laptop, faces are often not detected on the camera.
2. Open / switch other applications on the laptop.
3. Talk to other people (there is background sound) during the competition.
4. Being helped or even replaced by other people during the competition.
5. There are other people around the participants during the competition.
6. Seen using a cellphone during the competition.
Hari/Tanggal : SABTU 18 JANUARI 2025
Lokasi : online dari lokasi masing-masing peserta
Bentuk soal : Tes ONLINE (60 menit)
Soal dalam Bahasa Indonesia / Bahasa Inggris
Soal dalam Bahasa Indonesia / Bahasa Inggris
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda dan jawaban uraian.
Waktu pelaksanan tes per Category :
KUMA Level pk 10.00 - 11.00 WIB
PINGU A dan B Level pk 10.00 - 11.00 WIB
Teknis Pengerjaan :
- Tes harap dikerjakan menggunakan Komputer Laptop berkamera dan microphone yg berfungsi normal. Pastikan kamu berada di tempat yg Koneksi Internetnya kencang dan stabil. Segala ketidakstabilan jaringan internet peserta di luar kuasa dan tanggung jawab panitia.
- Peserta mengerjakan tes secara online dari lokasi nya masing-masing (sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan panitia pada kategori level yang diikuti). Jangan sampai salah memasukkan nomer Peserta & Kode Unik yang telah diberikan panitia.
- Gunakan email GMAIL yang telah didaftarkan ke Panitia untuk mengakses lomba. Link lomba akan dikirim ke EMAIL Peserta, mohon tidak di klik sebelum tanggal dan jam lomba yg telah ditentukan.
- Mohon Cek Email dan pastikan tidak masuk folder SPAM/Junk. Mengakses lomba dengan ID peserta yg sama lebih dari 1 perangkat akan otomatis terDISKUALIFIKASI.
- Peserta Kuma Category DIPERBOLEHKAN MENGGUNAKAN KALKULATOR ( bukan hape/apps), harap dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum tes berlangsung. Untuk peserta Pingu Category tidak perlu menggunakan kalkulator.
- Tes harus dikerjakan secara mandiri tanpa bantuan orang lain dan dilarang membuka program lain di laptop maupun hape saat lomba berlangsung, dilarang menggunakan AI, maupun mengambil screen shot layar agar tidak terdiskualifikasi oleh sistem. Dilarang membuka halaman lain selain halaman soal.
- Harap Lensa Kamera Laptop tidak ditutup saat tes berlangsung, dan Peserta diharap menggunakan pakaian yang rapi, sopan dan tidak berbicara saat tes berlangsung. Harap mengerjakan di tempat yg tenang, dan hening.
- Tes online berlangsung secara 60 menit. Link lomba hanya bisa diakses pada waktu yang telah ditentukan per Level/Category, Jangan sampai Terlambat masuk.
- Kesempatan Masuk SOAL dan SUBMIT JAWABAN hanya 1x, segera Submit jawaban sebelum waktu berakhir dan dapatkan poin tambahan. Bagi yg terlambat SUBMIT otomatis gugur.
- Perhatikan bahwa ada 2 scroll bar pada saat mengerjakan yaitu scroll bar di dekat soal, dan scroll bar di paling kanan browser. Pergunakan keduanya sebaik-baiknya.
Hal ini demi menyesuaikan tampilan di berbagai browser.
Selamat mengerjakan dan jangan lupa berdoa sebelum lomba.
Berikut adalah beberapa jenis Pelanggaran pada saat Lomba yg bisa berakibat diskualifikasi
(TRUST SCORE < 95% , otomatis GUGUR) :1. Tidak fokus ke laptop, wajah sering tidak terdeteksi di kamera.
2. Membuka / berpindah aplikasi lain di laptop.
2. Membuka / berpindah aplikasi lain di laptop.
3. Berbicara dengan orang lain (ada background suara) saat lomba berlangsung.
4. Dibantu atau bahkan digantikan orang lain saat lomba.
4. Dibantu atau bahkan digantikan orang lain saat lomba.
5. Ada org lain di sekitar peserta saat lomba berlangsung.
6. Terlihat menggunakan handphone saat lomba berlangsung.